Edmonton Islamic Academy Yearbook 2017-2018 Cover Design by Mark Muilwijk
First Prize: "Friesens 2018 Northern-Alberta Yearbook Cover Contest" 

Cover designs are often very cliché. The challenge I put myself is to capture the Islamic identity of the school without stating the obvious.
Walking the talk is an obvious goal of religion, but notoriously lacking in application. The cover is to some degree a reminder: are we still following in His footsteps?
Talking about literal footsteps: the symbol of the prophet's sandal features prominently. It's a non-political symbol of Islam, as opposed to the crescent moon and star. I like it for its peaceful, almost Sufi-like nature.
Islamic geometry had to be part of the cover. It is one of those underappreciated artistic expressions of antiquity. It embodies symmetry, like Greek and Roman architecture, while representing the intricacy of life with its manifold twists and turns, corners and straight lines.
The photo is that of a boy, praying. In particular, he is reciting the most holy part of prayer, the Shahada, while pointing his finger towards that in which he believes, God.

This was only my second yearbook. Every publication I make is such a thrill. I think it's an absolute honour to make something that then sits on 600 bookshelf at people's homes. 
And there's also this:

EIA Yearbook 2016–2017
My first-ever yearbook.

This cover won third place in the 2017 Friesens Northern-Alberta Cover Contest.
Institutional Documents
For this section, much credit goes to Peder Vinge.
​​​​​​​School Events

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